VacIon Plus is a complete family of ion pumps, controllers, options, and accessories, designed to provide solutions to every application.
Parameters such as operating pressure, the mixture of gases to be pumped, and the maximum starting pressure can vary so dramatically that no one ion pump would be the best in every case. That is why Varian offers such a complete range of ion pump types and sizes, so that the best performance can be selected for each application.
The VacIon Plus family includes Diode, Noble Diode, and StarCell—û pump versions. It also includes MiniVac, Dual, and MidiVac Ion Pump controllers, to provide a selection of power levels and interfaces.
- Optimized element cells
- Shipped while under vacuum
- Wide range of pumping speeds
- Many pump body configurations
- Interlocking feedthrough connections
- Three kinds of pumping elements
- Ceramic insulators for long pump life
Miniature Pump |
2 Lt/sec Pump |
8 Lt/sec Pump |
Vaclon Plus 20 |
Vaclon Plus 40 |
Vaclon Plus 55 |
Vaclon Plus 75 |
Vaclon Plus 150 |
Vaclon Plus 300 |
Vaclon Plus 500 |
Inlet Flange |
2 3?4¡¨ OD CFF (NW 35) |
2 3?4¡¨ OD CFF (NW 35) |
4 1?2¡¨ OD CFF (NW 63) |
6" OD CFF (NW 100) |
6" OD CFF (NW 100) |
8" OD CFF (NW 150) |
8" OD CFF (NW 150) |
Element Type |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
StarCellR |
Noble Diode |
Diode |
Pumping Speed (L/S)
(Saturated Pump at mbar) |
Nitrogen |
0.2 |
2 |
8 |
20 |
22 |
27 |
34 |
36 |
40 |
50 |
53 |
55 |
65 |
68 |
75 |
125 |
135 |
150 |
240 |
260 |
300 |
410 |
440 |
500 |
Operating Life (Hours) (at mbar) |
N/A |
8,000 |
40,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
80,000 |
50,000 |
50,000 |
Maximum Starting Pressure (mbar) |
1 x (with
MicroVac control unit) |
1 x (with
MicroVac control unit) |
?1 x  |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
< |
Maximum Baking Temperature (¢XC) |
400 (without magnet)
150 (with magnet) |
400 (without magnet)
150 (with magnet) |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
Weight kg (Ibs) |
Net 0.3 (0.66)
Shipping 0.6 (1.33) |
Net 0.3 (0.66)
Shipping 0.6 (1.33) |
Without magnet
4 (9) |
Net 7 (15)
Shipping 11 (24) |
Net 17 (37)
Shipping 21 (46) |
Net 18 (39)
Shipping 22 (48) |
Net 19 (42)
Shipping 23 (51) |
Net 43 (94)
Shipping 53 (110) |
Net 69 (149)
Shipping 84 (185) |
Net 120 (264)
Shipping 135 (297) |
SEM Version Available on Request |
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Controllers |
Dual |
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MiniVac |
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MidiVac |
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MicroVac |
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